
  1. Use hcitool scan to find the MAC address of the printer.
  2. Create a file at /etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf which contains the following contents:


    Make sure to replace "00:07:80:44:4F:37" with the MAC address of the printer.

  3. Run sudo rfcomm connect rfcomm0 00:07:80:44:4F:37. Make sure to replace "00:07:80:44:4F:37" with the MAC address of the printer.

  4. Use this Python script to connect to the printer like so:

    sudo ./ /dev/rfcomm0

    Ensure that the baud rate of the shell matches the baud rate of the printer.

  5. [Run the following command by pasting it into the terminal and pressing the return key:

    ! 0 200 200 210 1
    TEXT 4 0 200 40 Hello World

    The printer should print a label containing the text 'Hello World'.


The printer can be calibrated for use with the installed media by following these instructions. Note that although the instructions mention a CONFIG.SYS file, simply running the following command was enough to calibrate our device for use with gap media:

! U1 setvar "media.sense_mode" "gap"
! U1 setvar "device.languages" "zpl"

We tested this command using 75.0mm x 25.0mm (w x h) thermal transfer paper with a 19 mm core and no perforations.

If this command ran successfully, the printer should feed the labels through in regular intervals so that the label's gap is lined up with the printer's cutter. In other words, pressing the feed button should feed exactly one label.