
The safest format to use with the FAIMS app is a geotiff (georeferenced image in an uncompressed .tiff format). All rasters need to be uploaded on the device for them to display. Before uploading it on the device the file needs to be optimized for display in the app. The optimization includes (1) defining the file projection, (2) tiling the file, (3) adding pyramids to the image. (2) and (3) ensure that the file display is quick and smooth.

For the transformation you need a Linux computer with spatialite and gdal tools. You need to run the following script in a command line: Importing Geotiffs.


The application support the rendering of legacy vectors (kml, shapefiles created outside of the application). The transformations include  (1) defining the projection, (2) importing of the file into Spatialite database, (3) indexing the database.

See: Importing Legacy Vectors

Once your layers are all prepared you can upload them onto the server into a designated folder under the project you are working on. The files will be automatically downloaded onto the mobile devices when you finish project creation and download the recording module to a device.